Thursday, February 25, 2010

SILLY Cricket....

No I do not counter surf when my breakfast is being made....why would you say I did?



Sam said...

LOL at Cricket's backwards contact! She is such a bold girl - from the pictures of her and your descriptions, she sounds like she just takes everything she does by storm.. I can't believe she went into that tunnel you told us about the other day!

Diana said...

To funny and she is just so cute while doing it too. Diana

Chris and Ricky said...


Sara said...

Awwww, she's so cute. I love her facial expressions.

Natasha said...

LOL! She's just cleaning the counter for you! And hey, she IS doing 2o2o, right?! xD I love Cricket!

AC said...

Love that first cross-eyed picture! She looks like she keeps you busy. It'll be so fun to watch her really learn agility.

Morganne said...

Wow! Cricket is really growing fast. She is gorgeous (love the freckles - they make her look so innocent). So in the A-frame picture... is that a new contact method? 2FTO? (two front toes on) - LOL!!!!

Dawn said...

A dog of exceptional intelligence!