Wednesday, February 3, 2010

silly tricks...

The dogs were playing last night- they all love to "speak". It really riles them up. Poor Liz is a great "speaker" but she was getting stressed trying to do it around the other dogs, so because we were just playing, she did her favorite trick.

Liz wanted to do her favorite trick-wave-


Sam said...

Marge gave a couple of tail thumps when she heard Cricket speak. :) I've considered putting it on cue, but Marge is an all-or-nothing gal and will probably offer the barking behavior whenever she feels like it.. so it's a no go here.

Chris and Ricky said...

So cute!!! Love Liz's wave!

Sara said...

Your dogs got my dogs speaking!

Misty loves to wave too, though she doesn't put her paw up as high as Lizzie. Too cute.