Sunday, October 31, 2010

From Guppie to Squid



A few months ago my daughter decided she wanted to be on the swim team. I was actually a bit surprised-it seemed like that came from left field, but what the heck?.

All the swimmers start off in the guppies group, then eventually they are promoted to Squids group, and then the top group is the Sharks. They do a lot of swimming but they also do a crazy amount of exercising, running, and lunges. My daughter has been so cute because she can not wait to do a swim meet, and she has been in the fastest lane for quite a while-she is really fast. She was a good swimmer but had never really learned the strokes correctly, but she is really serious and works so hard to make sure she does things just right.

It knocked me over to see how much she improved and how fast. She always seems so old and independent (she just turned 13)when she gets out of the car and goes to her lessons, she has her little bag all ready -keeps her gear all organized where she can find it, and is fanatical about the exact time we leave the house and she never complains about going. It is our first real foray into organized sports, the girls used to do girl scouts, but no one has really wanted to do things like soccer or softball.

Anyway, I am just super proud of my daughter and how she has handled herself and it is funny to see this whole new side of her, my little competitive squid! LOL.


Sagira said...

Wow...sounds like she is doing great. My friends daughter is now doing cross country and has improved on her minutes per mile. So I know how your feeling. Keep up the great work! :)

Sara said...

Congrats to your daughter! Being on a team is so great for kids to help them gain confidence, independence, discipline, leadership & of course, pride!

No doubt, her mama is beaming with pride right now!

Diana said...

That is so wonderful!! I know you must feel proud. Diana

Chris and Ricky said...

Congratulations to your daughter!! Glad she is doing so well with her swimming!

Nicki said...

That's great. Participating in sports was a great thing for me at a teen-taught me a lot of good life lessons.

Epicurus said...

That is awesome Kathy!

Morganne said...

That is awesome! It is so rewarding to see them get involved in a sport.

Happy (2005 -2011) said...

Congratulations to your daughter. she sounds like a really great swimmer :)

AC said...

This is sooo cool to hear! Organized sports played such an important role for me when I was in school. My best memories and closest friends all came from sports. Tell your daughter (if it's ok that we all know about her swimming =) that she has a cheering squad out here! Keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

Congratulations to your daughter!

It's so wonderful to see our children grow each day! It seems she is a super fast swimmer, keep up the good work! She'll be promoted to Sharks in no time!

Brittany said...

That is great that she took the initiative to choose swimming and try so hard to be the best she can be.