Wednesday, August 27, 2008
second session of learning to HIT IT in box
Sunday, August 24, 2008
I HATE contacts, LOL!!!
1. I think I taught Liz to approach the obstacle and stride up and over, but she just was happening to stride through the yellow to get to the mat. Lizzie Lou figured out a way around that and figured she would save me some time, she knows this is a game about time, so in her defence I never made it clear that striding through the yellow was part of it, just get your butt to the mat. So now I see why Ann insists on using the hoop at the bottom, a concrete way for the dog to know they have to also go to the bottom of the obstacle not just fly on down.
2. I have never rewarded striding, and as Alicia says collection on the obstacle, again I just figured because it was there to begin with it would always be there, humm, guess that isnt necessarily so.
3. I ASSUMED to hit the mat when it is very close to the bottom of the Aframe that it would be automatic that there would be a stride through the yellow contact zone, WRONG on that one, LOL.
4. I think I totally underestimated Lizzies WHOO HOO behaviors. She is a weird combination of wanting to please me and being fundamentally soft, and being totally exciteable and over the top so it makes it really hard for her to keep her head at times. I know I always need to have VERY CLEAR consistent criteria and this is one case where I think she needed more criteria and my criteria was not nearly as clear as I thought it was, there were loop holes-DRATS.
5. I think that Liz just hasnt a clue how to work out her striding, when we fix the upramp the down side is messed up, when the downside was gorgeous the upside was a mess, think she needs to actually be taught again HOW to go over the obstacle and how to handle her body, along with criteria she understands to make the obstacle safe. GUESS WE GOT SOME WORK TO DO.
So this ends up at the current conflict about what we are going to do with this contact stuff. the Options:
1. to do a 2O2o, which will probably take care of the problem EXCEPT seeing how Liz is handling stuff now I think she still needs to learn to stride correctly or I am SURE she will leap from the top of the obstacle into a 2o2o position and I can not imagine what that will look like for her shoulders. So it might take care of the hitting the yellow problem but not sure that will automatically make it a safer performance. So I think I can only do that if I do some other training too.
2. I always like new things......and reading the clean run article about the Rachel Saunders running contact training on the Aframe, just sounds very intriguing-would be totally cool to be able to teach the striding and body collection on the flat. Liz is very clicker savy and picks things up quickly. So here is the crazy idea, why couldnt I train the box and still add on the mat behavior at the end? Eventually weaning that out and ending up with a running Aframe???
3. I could go back and work on my four on the floor, add in the hoops, start with the low aframe and work on teaching Liz to collect on the obstacle, being more clear about encouraging her to look elsewhere. The bummer with this whole situation is Ann just started a series of articles with revisions for the four on the floor, some of the things that sound like they have been revised sound like they address some of my issues, so wouldnt it be nice if I could read it all now and not have to wait three more months??? That would be too easy to let me read all the new hints and tips now, right???
So, the plan.....taaaa daaaaaa, is to stay off the Aframe for the moment, no big hurry to rush into anything, and going to do some work on the flat and see how it goes, feel my way through and come up with a plan. Breeze is not working contacts right now, so .......good thing I have some time to modify my training and deceide what I want to do for her-last she was on the contacts she had a gorgeous four on the floor, but seeing her excitement, not sure how that will end up.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Shaping and Gratitude
So I am just trying to figure out how to do SOMETHING with the videos, LOL, so sat and spent the afternoon first trying to shape closing a box with Liz and Breeze, shaping 2X2 weaves with Cherry, who is doing well by the by, and shaping laying on a mat to put with my contact behavior which has fallen apart with Liz. Seriously not sure about what to do with Lizzies contacts, but might post a video and a seperate entry about that soon. Sooo can not figure out how to uncode my ipod music to put with videos, which sucks, but finally got a video made with music and everything-even if I had to use a song that came with the computer, LOL.
Made a few other decisions, started a gratitude journal again, an idea I first heard on Oprah, but has helped in the past when I feel off balance, so of course the whole idea is to list five things to be grateful for every night. Sounds like a stupid and easy thing but it has been a powerful thing in my life at times, it just helps to remind me of the great things I do have in my life. It is just too easy to focus on problems some days.
So for some of the things I am really grateful for, I am so grateful my kids are so wonderful, strong and healthy, that has to be a HUGE thing to be grateful for. I am grateful I do have so many choices in my life and that I am healthy and can make new decisions every day. I am grateful that I do have the things I really need, there are a lot of things I WANT that I do not have, but I have the basics and I should be happier about that. As far as my dogs because this is my dog blog.....I am grateful that Lizzie is so happy, friendly and so attached to me, she might be difficult to focus and work with but she has the underneath desire to be with me. And she is growing up and BOY am I GRATEFUL about that!!! I am grateful Breeze is doing as well as she is and she just looks so good physically right now and she keeps showing me how smart she is. Chloe is just such an easy dog and so sweet, what isnt to be grateful about that. Skyler is just an easy to get along with dog. And I am really grateful that there have been so many people that have helped me along the way with this agility journey, I have had a lot more people take an interest and really help me then I deserve, and I have met so many people through this, there have been hassles and conflicts but even that has all been resolved so....I guess I dont have a lot to complain about. And most of all I am really GRATEFUL my dogs understand CLICKER TRAINING, working with some dogs that don't understand it makes me really grateful that my dogs do-having such a powerful tool sure makes like much more wonderful!!!