Monday, March 14, 2011

entry practice...

I was working on a contact board with some garden fencing for guides to help Cricket figure out how to straighten herself out and load onto the board straight. Hopefully that will help with more independant contacts and keeping her safe on the contacts. I did not push the fencing in all the way so if her foot slipped it would not get caught and when she started on the teeter I put some chicken wire between the fencing and her in case she slipped. Her teeter was not as nice as usual..., I think the guides looked way different with the chicken wire tents, so she was paying a little too much attention there. Anyway, love Crickets enthusiasm and how she figures things out, have I said lately how much I love Cricket?

Here is the link for the Sylvia Turkman long distance classes I was talking about yesterday. If anyone else is taking the class and wants to exchange videos or "work together", it would be fun to have a little group ;-) if anyone else was interested.


Marie said...

Ok, I think I'm registered to audit the puppy class. Although sometimes I'm technically challenged. I think it sounds fun to work together as a small group. :-)

Sara said...

Cricket is so fast and enthusiastic. She's fun to watch. Loved when she jumped right over the fencing! Too cute.

Diana said...

She looks great!!

Geraldine said...

Cricket certainly loves playing the game, she is very keen, hoping your hamstring will soon get better so you can run her.

Chris and Ricky said...

Cricket is doing so well!! She sure is figuring out how to get on that board. You're doing such a good job of training her!

I haven't signed up for any of Silvia's classes but will love to see how you guys do!