Thursday, April 8, 2010

GAMBLERS---Who? Surely not us!



Yesterday was Breeze's class, who will from this day forward be known as SUPERGIRL. I was so proud of my girl, she is so amazing and she knows so much more then I give her credit for. I got to class and found out the subject of the lesson was DISTANCE HANDLING AND TRAINING. I really thought about turning around and going home-I did not want to set my doggie up for failure and we have just started training any distance in just running a regular course. I run with Linda M's APHS, and it is a big no no to do things like Gamblers because it is so easy to disregard your motion cues and to untrain the handling you work so hard to teach. Anyway, to make a long story shorter...I decided to run and to just pay attention to what I was doing, make sure I was showing motion and not doing anything that would disregard my own signals and if necessary I would just cross the lines and do what I had to do to make it understandable for Breeze, who has done no layering and is a pretty inexperienced dog. That is what class is for try out new things where you can fix them if you need to.

Well, first run through was a DISASTER. LOL, it was laughable. We were by far the WORST team out there, by far the worst. Whooo Hooo Deanna was able to step in and showed me how to use all the cues we already use and just extend them out a little-and then of course use proper reward placement (reward out away from me where I wanted her to know that is indeed where I wanted her to be). OMG, second run through it was gorgeous. The first two runs were just the part that had the teeter and the tire in it, and after I got that worked out the third time I ran the full course and was able to do the whole thing really well. I learned a HUGE lesson, to not let myself get wigged out looking at something and to just use our skills and settle down and just do our best.

I so feel really good about my decisions last night because I wanted to run the last time with the full course and not stop, I knew she could do it by that time and it would have been so much fun....but because this was all so new for Breeze and a few times Breeze made the right choice but she was not sure she had done right so I set up four points that I wanted Deanna to throw the ball and reward Breeze because I knew those would be the places she was not going to be totally sure she made the right decision even if she was able to do it. It was awesome, I did not get to run without stopping which I would have enjoyed...but it sure made it really clear for Breeze that she had made some TERRIFIC choices while we ran the course.

Some days I am just so amazed when I find out that my dogs know so much more then I give them credit for, especially Breeze. We still have so many things to work on and so many short falls, our list of items we need to train for would curl any ones hair,... but I am just so in awe of my little dog and all the things I keep finding out she can do. Whoo hoooo. I would have bet BIG MONEY that last nights class was going to be so totally over our heads....We were actually able to run the full course and never cross the could have knocked me over with a feather!


Sara said...

Wow, that was a HARD gamble. What crazy person came up with that? LOL.

I would have been tempted to go home myself.

Congratulations on sticking it out, rewarding your dog, and being able to pat yourself on the back in the end!

I think that is what I like best about agility, when my dog totally surprises me! It is just the best feeling.

Diana said...

Wow, what a gamble. Congrats to you and Breeze. Diana

Kathy Mocharnuk said...

We have never done ANY gambles, except once a really super easy one in a trial that we bluffed up, so when I walked into class and saw this gamble, I thought there was NOOOO WAY! LOL, but by the end of class we did a good impression of gamblers, hahahahaha

kiwichick said...

That looks like a good one to practice :-)

Sam said...

That's ridiculous. Really. How did you guys manage that? LOL. Good for you - I'm sure it takes a lot of training to get there! Like others have said, it's so nice to be surprised and actually have a great time when you think things are going to go badly.

Chris and Ricky said...

That gamble looked completely impossible but you guys did it! WooHoo - great job! Glad you didn't turn around and go home and glad you were able to make it such a good experience for Breeze!

AC said...

Yay for good classes! I love it when my dog surprises me. We sure don't give them enough credit sometimes.

Natasha said...

Awesome job Breeze!! :D Love those moments where we're just so amazed with our incredible dogs!

Morganne said...

That is the type of Gamble I wouldn't attempt if I saw it in competition. I would pass and figure we'd get the next one. Luckily, using APHS, we can get most gambles.

Kathy Mocharnuk said...

glad to know you have been able to handle most gambles with APHS, I worry about that!