I am having some serious issues with not having my agiity mobile up and running. It is still in the body shop and will be for a few more weeks. In the meantime I have a rental car, thanks to the guy who rear ended me, but it is one of those little tiny Chevy Cobalts I believe and it is just not going to be taking over the agility mobile spot any time soon. The biggest problem is that I have been living out of my car recently. It is pretty horrifying when you consider the cleanliness factor, but at any time I could find a couple of jackets, jackets for the dogs, thousands of dog toys, some first aid things, some snacks, all sorts of water containers with varying amounts of water in them, leashes galore, I have just about anything you could ever need in my car. I might not be able to find it because there is so much, but can you imagine what it is like traveling around So. Cal. without it, when I am used to having everything in the car? In addition I can not put the dogs in crates to travel, and I think they like that, but it really isnt as safe and the really bad part is that when I go to class I can not leave anyone out in the car because I am not sure what they might tear up in the excitement of watching their sister playing agility, and Cherry and Chloe have had to stay home because I just can not fit them all in the car.
Tonight I went to class and did not have a water bowl for the dogs, no sweater for me and I thought no leash for the dogs(I have started junking up the rental car a little bit, so I had left two leashes in there thank heavens!). Like REALLY??? How does that happen? I have become dependent on my rolling house on wheels that contains everything and am lost without my traveling closet of goodies.
Tonight I went to Happy Dog Agility to drop in on Alicia's new class there. It was a 2 1/2 hour drive, and I knew I would be traveling around the rush hour so I had to take a route that was a little longer then I usually would and go a way I was not familiar with, so I was happy I have arrived home safetly.
As for the class, Denise and Kodi came, and I was really happy to see them. Lizzie was horrible sitting and barking in her crate in Alicia's car through most of the first class that I did with Breeze. I know they really frown on that at Happy Dog so that made that a little more stressful, but the situation was not a very good one for me training Liz not to be barking so I sort of did the yelling to be quiet thing, which Lizzie loves because she thinks she barks and then I bark back, she thinks we are communicating. Ahhhhhhhh......
Breeze did the first class and really did well. She went over the Aframe the first time and did not do her contact, but then she did it three more times and the contact behavior looked pretty good. She is doing the four on the floor contact on the Aframe. We had some little bobbles in the weaves but at the last of the sequences there was a row of three jumps and Breeze was ahead, looked back and I said "jump" and she was right on it. Yippie. The best part is that Breeze did the full agility class and stayed totally sound, physically she looked really good today.
Lizzie got to go into the next class, and I was a little frazzled switching between the two dogs, and Liz had frazzled me with her barking in the crate, so I was not in the most ideal place to be working with her. A whole class of new dogs, and a field she has only been to once or twice, but she did amazing. That dog is FAST. Her jumping looked great and she did the weaves better then she has in weeks-AND NO ZOOMIES!!!! She was looking for jumps-it was terrific.
I think we are ready for Breeze's AKC debut this weekend, ....I think...hahahaha, I am not that confident-but, I think we will be ok.
1 comment:
Yea, its hard to control a barking dog at agility. Guiness was a barking maniac. I never got a handle on it. Im glad you all did well at class. Good luck this weekend. Diana
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