Tuesday, May 26, 2009

NADAC sunday jumpers run, no Q and no video but she did awesome!

SUNDAY'S JUMPERS RUN-Unfortunately I did not get this one on tape. I thought it was a bit of a rough course for Breeze-some good challenges for a baby dog, but I was feeling pretty good about it. Unfortunately Breeze was sniffing again at the start line, ughghghg, so when I thought she really might have just been sniffing something the first day, she was definitely stressing. Breeze is really comfy and happy once she gets started but we are definitely going to have to address this start line issue. Breeze went around all the jumps and came running out to me while I was leading out, so I brought her back to the start line (thank heavens you can train in the ring at NADAC) and I did not lead out as far and released her as soon as I could so I would not further mess up our start line. We got a second, and the run was beautiful once we got going it was a challenging course for her and she did GREAT. I played a bunch of stay games at the trial site the next day before we had to go out and run again, which helped but it was just a bandaid.

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